Regenerative Agriculture: A Holistic, Symbiotic Solution for a World in Crisis
Over the past few decades, the food crisis has grown exponentially due to soil erosion, chemical pollution, conventional farming methods, and decarbonization of the soil food is grown in. A solution to this crisis lies in Regenerative Agriculture, an approach to farming that replenishes the organisms that support the growth of nutrient-dense food.
Don't Say No to Easter Chocolate!
When it comes to indulging your sweet tooth over Easter, it’s all about "Strategic Indulgence" and choosing quality over quantity. Low quality milk (and dark) chocolate are loaded with sugar and have been so processed they no longer retain the benefits of real cacao. Organic dark chocolate with 70% or higher cacao is the way to go for satisfying a sugar craving!
Seasonal Allergy Relief
If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you may not want to rely on anti-histamines. They can be a life saver when nothing else will work, but drugs like Benadryl also increase other health risks. There are lots of ways you can mitigate allergy symptoms in natural ways.
How Hormone Imbalances Can Sabotage Fat Loss
Your hormones play a huge role in helping or hindering your weight loss efforts. They can affect everything from your appetite to where you’re most likely to store fat, and if certain hormones are out of whack, it can make it difficult to burn fat. Here are some of the hormones that play a role and ways you can get them working for you, not against you.
Eggs - Health Food or Heart Hazard?
In the late 70s, eggs got a bad reputation because they are high in cholesterol . In recent years, however, research has provided us with a more accurate understanding of the difference between dietary cholesterol (in foods we eat) and blood cholesterol (the amount of cholesterol our bodies make).
Shop Local for Last-Minute Holiday Gifts - 2021
Some of my favorite local shops around the greater Seattle area are great for grabbing last-minute gifts while supporting small businesses. These include several Eastside shops, Gilman Village in Issaquah is always a good bet, and downtown Kirkland is sure to have some great spots too.
Holiday Gift Guide 2021
This list of health and sustainability-inspired gift ideas includes options for every budget so you’re sure to find something for everyone on your list. Some of these companies already have back Friday deals going on as well so check them out soon to take advantage of the savings.
What Does It Mean to Be Body Neutral?
We have been hearing a lot about body positivity lately, but there’s also a new movement called body neutrality. For people struggling with self-love and positive body image, body neutrality can be a whole lot easier to achieve than self-love and it’s a great stepping stone.
A Scale Killed My Sister - by Jenifer Sapel
Many of us have been ingrained that our value is determined by our looks, our body, our weight, and other arbitrary "merits" that actually have nothing to do with our real value as human beings. This poem helped me transmute some rage about our obsession with a beauty standard that is harming us. Thank you, Jen, for allowing me to share your words.
How to Reset Your Circadian Rhythm
Ever feel like your body clock is out of whack? Resetting your circadian rhythm is super important for getting it back in line. Not familiar with your circadian rhythm? It lets your body know when it’s time to go to sleep and wake up, and if it's out of sync, it can negatively impact many aspects of your health and wellbeing. Get your internal clock working better for you with these tips.
What Is Your Circadian Rhythm and How Does It Affect Your Health?
Your body’s circadian rhythm regulates your sleep and most of us know how sleep deprivation saps your energy and motivation. But you may not be aware of how it affects other areas of your health. From appetite to immunity, here are just a few of the roles that your circadian rhythm plays for wellbeing and what can happen if you mess with your body’s natural rhythms.
Juicing vs. Blending - What's better for you?
Juice fasts often sound like the magic pill for excess weight, bloating and low energy and there are definitely some benefits to juicing, especially for people who don’t normally eat enough vegetables or fruit in their regular diet. Blending, done smart, though can give you the same benefits as a juice fast but with none of the drawbacks.
Leaky Gut 101: What Is It and What Causes It?
“Leaky gut syndrome” may arise when factors such as infection, chronic inflammation and food sensitivities cause the tight junctions of the gut cells to separate, allowing the intestinal walls to be breached more easily. When this happens, the gut is considered “leaky” which may result in a heap of health problems including autoimmune disease.
Can Going Gluten Free Help You to Lose Weight?
Going gluten free is a popular choice for losing weight but it pays to be super smart about how you go about a gluten-free diet. It’s really easy to get things wrong and put on weight instead. Making sure your transition to being gluten-free is healthy will be more likely to promote fat loss.
IBS and Gluten: What’s the Link?
There can be a lot of crossover with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity, which can both have similar symptoms to IBS. Often, IBS is more of a symptom of other underlying issues than it is a condition of its own, and avoiding gluten can be a real game-changer.
Simple Strategies for Seasonal Allergy Relief
Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to foreign invaders by producing antibodies that identify particular allergens (e.g., pollens) as harmful. Typical allergy treatments aim to relieve symptoms, but early detection and addressing underlying issues can reduce symptoms and sometimes prevent allergies from developing.
The Under-Appreciated Gallbladder
A healthy gallbladder stores and concentrates bile, secreting it into the small intestine through the bile duct during the digestive process. Once in the small intestine, bile helps digest fat. An unhealthy gallbladder can result in problems with both digestion and detoxification.
Healthy Sleep Habits for Better Rest
Either we struggle to fall asleep, to stay asleep, or to simply get enough sleep. Many factors affect sleep so it’s important to rule out any underlying causes while several healthy habits can lead to a better night’s rest.