Safer Sun Exposure
We know all about the hazards of too much sun exposure: premature aging, skin cancer, and sun spots, to name a few. But what if your sunscreen is more dangerous to your health than sun exposure? Most of us slather ourselves and our children with sunscreen to protect ourselves from the sun, but we need to be aware of the ingredients in our sun care products so we can make the safest choice possible.
Truths About Testosterone
Testosterone is a hot subject these days and more men than ever are concerned about their hormone levels. Several studies have shown a decline in testosterone levels over the last few decades, and there are many reasons why low T is becoming more common. In this post I’m sharing factors that contribute to low T and ways you can safely support your testosterone levels with exercise and nutrition.
How to Increase your Digestive Fire
Digestive fire is a term used to describe the ability of our body to produce sufficient enzymes, stomach acid, and bile to break down our food and absorb nutrients. Our ability to properly digest our food can easily be disrupted, but there are many ways you can support healthy digestion to relieve symptoms and restore nutrient absorption.