Eating Healthy, Healthy Habits, Hormone Health, Metabolism Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC Eating Healthy, Healthy Habits, Hormone Health, Metabolism Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC

Beating the Late Night Munchies

Night-time snacking is a common struggle, and it can really contribute to weight gain. When you eat within less than 2-3 hours of sleeping, your body is more likely to store that food as fat. Believe it or not, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes of night-time snacking: habits, hormones, emotions, nutrition deficiencies, sleep deprivation – even the influence of television. Read on to learn how to beat those late night munchies.

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How To Stop Stress Eating At Work

Do you struggle with stress eating while you’re at work? Deep down, you probably know that you’re not genuinely hungry but you snack anyway. Ready to start breaking the cycle? Here are some tips for beating stress eating at work.

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Eating Healthy, Holidays, Losing weight, Stress Management, Self Care, Metabolism Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC Eating Healthy, Holidays, Losing weight, Stress Management, Self Care, Metabolism Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC

How Stress Leads to Overeating

For many of us, stress is a major trigger for overeating and overeating causes more stress. Stress and the hormones it releases drive us to overeat and to gravitate towards empty calorie foods that stimulate our brains’ pleasure centers. Here are some proven steps you can take to reduce stress and lower the risk of overeating and it's related health issues.

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