Eating Healthy, Food Sensitivities, Gut Health, Immunity, Losing weight Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC Eating Healthy, Food Sensitivities, Gut Health, Immunity, Losing weight Jeannie Oliver Wellness, LLC

Leaky Gut 101: What Is It and What Causes It?

“Leaky gut syndrome” may arise when factors such as infection, chronic inflammation and food sensitivities cause the tight junctions of the gut cells to separate, allowing the intestinal walls to be breached more easily. When this happens, the gut is considered “leaky” which may result in a heap of health problems including autoimmune disease.

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Can Going Gluten Free Help You to Lose Weight?

Going gluten free is a popular choice for losing weight but it pays to be super smart about how you go about a gluten-free diet. It’s really easy to get things wrong and put on weight instead. Making sure your transition to being gluten-free is healthy will be more likely to promote fat loss.

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