Safer Sun Exposure
We know all about the hazards of too much sun exposure: premature aging, skin cancer, and sun spots, to name a few. But what if your sunscreen is more dangerous to your health than sun exposure? Most of us slather ourselves and our children with sunscreen to protect ourselves from the sun, but we need to be aware of the ingredients in our sun care products so we can make the safest choice possible.
Boosting Glutathione with Nutrition
For people struggling with fatigue or chronic illness, maximizing glutathione is a top priority. Glutathione is our body’s main antioxidant and it protects our cells from oxidative stress and facilitates energy production. It is also essential for proper immune function, controls inflammation in the body, and is the most critical component in our bodies’ detoxification system. Read on to learn practical ways in which you can use good food and healthy lifestyle practices to increase glutathione production in your body.